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Selected Publications:

  • Ashley Hedrick McKenzie, Barbara G. Friedman, Francesca Dillman Carpentier, Allison Lazard, Laura Salazar, and Ross Shegog, “‘Recognize & Resist’: An Online Health Intervention to Promote Writing about Sexual Consent and Egalitarian Gender Roles Among One Direction Fanfiction Writers,” Health Communication (OnlineFirst Feb. 3, 2023).     
  • Ashley Hedrick McKenzie, Barbara Friedman, and Anne Johnston, “Adolescents’ Victim-Blaming Responses to Narratives About Sex Trafficking: Strategies for Curriculum Development,” Violence Against Women 29, no. 9 (2023), 1811-1831. (OnlineFirst Oct. 9, 2022). 
  • Meghan Sobel, Barbara Friedman, and Anne Johnston, “Sex Trafficking as a News Story: Evolving Structures, Reporting Strategies,” Journal of Human Trafficking 5, no. 1 (2019): 43-59. 
  • Anne Johnston, Barbara Friedman, and Meghan Sobel, “Framing an Emerging Issue: How U.S. Print and Broadcast News Media Covered Sex Trafficking, 2008-2012,” Journal of Human Trafficking 1, no. 3 (2015): 235-254.
  • Anne Johnston, Barbara Friedman, and Autumn Shafer, “Framing the Problem of Sex Trafficking: Whose Problem? What Remedy?,” Feminist Media Studies 14, no. 3 (2014): 419-436.

Selected Presentations:

  • Ashley Hedrick, Barbara Friedman & Anne Johnston, “What Adolescents Know, Think, and Feel About Sex Trafficking: Exploring Knowledge, Opinions, and Emotions as a First Step to Designing Curriculum,” paper presented to International Communication Association, May 2020 (Virtual/COVID-19). 
    Barbara Friedman & Anne Johnston, “Sex Trafficking and Sex Work in the UK Modern Slavery Act,” panel presentation to “Journalism, Gender, and Power,” the Commission on the Status of Women and the AEJMC Council of Affiliates, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada, August 2019.
  • Anne Johnston & Barbara Friedman, “‘Boyfriending In’: Violence and Romance in News Narratives about Sex Trafficking,” paper presented to the Commission on the Status of Women, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, August 2018. 
    Barbara Friedman & Anne Johnston, “‘The Most Effective Tool’: Power and Influence in News Coverage of the UK Modern Slavery Act,” Slavery and the Media/Negating Humanity: Modern Slavery in Its Historical Context and Its Implications for Policy, Economic and Social Research Council, University of Exeter/University of Leeds, London, January 16-17, 2018. 

  • Anne Johnston, Barbara Friedman and Meghan Sobel, “Framing an Emerging Issue: How U.S. Print and Broadcast News Media Covered Sex Trafficking, 2008-2012,” paper presented to the Feminist Scholarship Division, International Communication Association, May 2014. 
  • Anne Johnston, Barbara Friedman, and Autumn Shafer, “What’s the Problem? Newspapers
  • Explain Global Sex Trafficking,” paper presented to the Commission on the Status of Women, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO, August 2011. 
  • Anne Johnston and Barbara Friedman. “Mass Media and Sex Trafficking,” poster presented to Combating Sex Trafficking: Prevention and Intervention in North Carolina and Worldwide. Raleigh, NC, April 2008.

  • Barbara Friedman, “Applying Trauma-Informed Care Principles to Communication About Trafficking,” Region 3 Federal Interagency Anti-Trafficking Task Force (made up of members from HHS, CDC, FBI, DHS, and the EEOC), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, July 2021.   
  • Barbara Friedman, Andrea Lorenz Nenque and Montia Daniels, “Brainstorming a Better Way: Responsible News Coverage of Sex Trafficking,” South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force, Office of the South Carolina Attorney General, June 30, 2021.  
  • Barbara Friedman, “News Coverage of Trafficking and the Fight for Decriminalization,” D.C. Human Trafficking Task Force,” Dec. 15, 2020.   
  • Barbara Friedman, “News Coverage of Human Trafficking: Obstacles and Opportunities,” National Compendium of State-Run Anti-Trafficking Initiatives,” Nov. 2, 2020. 
  • Barbara Friedman and Anne Johnston, “Sex Trafficking and the Role of Media,” UNC Gender-Based Violence Research Symposium, Sonja Haynes Stone Center, UNC-Chapel Hill, April 2019. 
  • Barbara Friedman and Anne Johnston, “Survivors as Storytellers: Sharing Your Expertise with the Media,” (webinar) October 2018, invited by Survivor Alliance, an international trafficking survivor-led advocacy group. This webinar was interactive and included development of supplementary training materials, and follow-up with members of Survivor Alliance.
  • Barbara Friedman and Anne Johnston, “Raise Your Voice: How to Use Your Expertise to Improve Media Coverage of Human Trafficking,” Project No Rest Annual Conference, New Bern, NC, August 2018. This training included materials created in collaboration with Hussman colleague Marshéle Carter, CEO, Carolina Cause Communications. 
  • Anne Johnston and Barbara Friedman, “The Ethics of Sharing Survivor Stories,” North Carolina Human Trafficking Commission Symposium, New Bern, NC, April 2018. 
  • Barbara Friedman, Carolina Seminar on Human Trafficking, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Carolina Women’s Center, January 2018. 
  • Barbara Friedman and Anne Johnston, “Reporting on Sex Trafficking: Why Your Expertise Matters,” North Carolina Human Trafficking Commission Symposium, “Strengthening North Carolina’s Multi-Disciplinary Response to Human Trafficking,” Raleigh, NC, November 2017. 
  • Anne Johnston and Barbara Friedman, “Sharing Survivor Stories Responsibly: Empowering vs. Exploiting,” North Carolina Human Trafficking Commission Symposium, Raleigh, NC, November 2017. 
  • Barbara Friedman and Anne Johnston, “Research and Training on Media Representation of Sex Trafficking,” North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA) Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, May 2017. 
  • Anne Johnston and Barbara Friedman, “The Irina Project (TIP): Understanding Media Representation of Sex Trafficking,” North Carolina Human Trafficking Commission, Raleigh, NC, February 2017. 
  • Barbara Friedman, “Skills and Practices of Engaged Scholarship: Involving Undergraduates in Engaged Research,” Carolina Center for Public Service, UNC-Chapel Hill, February 2015. 
  • Barbara Friedman and Anne Johnston, “Sex Trafficking and Media,” Human Trafficking Roundtable, Kenan Institute on Ethics, Duke University, Durham, NC, October 2014. 
  • Anne Johnston and Barbara Friedman, “Language Matters: Contested Terms in Media Coverage of Sex Trafficking,” Beacon Child and Family Program, UNC Hospitals, October 2014. 
  • Anne Johnston and Barbara Friedman, “Media and Sex Trafficking: Coverage of Sex Trafficking in US Newspapers, 1998-2008,” poster presentation to Combating Sex Trafficking: Prevention and Intervention in North Carolina and Worldwide, a biennial conference organized by the Carolina Women’s Center, April 2008.